The Lord’s promise from Isaiah 54:1-3, is a promise of ‘Restoration & abundance’ for all of God’s people, especially those in FMC. 



‘Infertility’ in this section talks about barrenness or drought. 

1. When God create restoration, water will radiate in the desert (Isaiah 35:6-7, 43:19-20).

2. The four rivers that were flowing through the garden of Eden, have the meaning:  

  • The Pison river means ‘increase’.  God will increase what we possessed, increase in wisdom, in strength, etc. Specifically for FMC, we will be able to walk more in the Vision of the Lord Jesus “World Conquest”. 

  • The Gihon river means ‘radiate’. The best things will radiate.  Radiating also means that even though it is shared, it will not run out, because it is a wellspring.  

  • The river Tigris means ‘fast’.  There is an acceleration in our lives and skyrocketing with the Lord. 

  • The Euphrates river means ‘being fruitful’.  What we do will multiply and many souls will be won. 



Let us pray like Jabes, so that God’s plan will happen to us.