Let us read Luke 5:1-11.


Turn the minus to abundance:

  1. Seek & meet the Lord (verse 1)
    Peter and his friends (fishermen) were among the people who were crowding around Jesus.

    When they had nothing (caught nothing, experienced the emptiness), Jesus came to them (verse 3). God is in de midst of our emptiness and failure.  In other words, have faith that God is there and that He is the answer, the outcome of our circumstances and He is the Saviour of mankind (Acts 4:11-12).

  2. Listen to God’s Word (verse 1b)
    Exactly when we are lacking (having nothing), failing and halted, we have to listen to God’s Word even more, for everything is created from God’s Word (Genesis 1:3, Psalms 19:7-11 (EN)).

  3. Not giving up (verse 2)
    We may fail and run out, but it does not mean we’re destroyed or cannot rise up again. We can still work on what can. We cannot go back to the past and change our lives, but we can start and change our future with God (verse 5).


Like Isaiah 54:1, even though we have not seen the change, we continue to believe that the Lord Jesus will act on it.