All that God has entrusted to us we do not own, but we manage. (Psalm 24:1; Matthew 25:14-30)



1.      The meaning of stewardship, or management, is the duty and responsibility to manage and maintain and supervise the property of others.

A.     Genesis 2:15-17 (NIV)

  • This stewardship was established before sin entered the world.

  • Notice how sin first came into the world. Their eyes were more focused on the fruit of the tree than on managing what was already under their responsibility.

  • Isn't that what often happens to this day? Instead of being busy managing what is already in our hands, we are tempted to pay attention to what is in the hands of others, so instead of being grateful for what we have, we become envious.

  • Then we start wondering, “Why did he get it, and I don't?” “How come he got so much, and I only got this?” Then we are busy gossiping about other people’s lives that have nothing to do with our lives.

B.      The maturity of a child of God is shown by his ability to manage what he already has in his possession.

We know that one of the values we cherish at FMC is maturity, so we must continue to learn and become good at stewardship, at managing all that God has entrusted us.

Stewardship isn't just a one-time thing, it's a lifestyle.

2.      The question is: What has God entrusted us?

Many people see only wealth as a blessing that God has entrusted them, but there are more.

  • Time

    How do we manage the time that God gives us, because to everyone God gives the same number of hours: one day contains 24 hours. That's why we always try to start all our activities on time, because we understand that we need to manage our time well, as a form of responsibility for what God has given us.

  • Talent or gift

    Talent still needs to be sharpened to become a skill. So, part of our responsibility to the God who gave us talent is to keep practicing and using that talent for the glory of God's name.

  • Relationship

    We are meant to be in a relationship with our fellow human beings (Genesis 2:18).

    The relationships we build can either open or close the doors of opportunity. Because relationships are important to be managed, so that we understand which relationships we should maintain and which we should abandon.

    Good stewardship is our way of thanking God for what God has entrusted to us.



May this equip us to be good managers for the glory of God's name.

Full gospel mission church