We must not stop or even turn back, because the fulfillment of the promise awaits us, just like the journey of the Israelites, which is written in God's Word in Deuteronomy 1:3-15.
What we need to do next is:
3. Move forward, leave, go, enter and occupy
Just as Moses was told by God to move on, to depart, and to go to the land that God had promised them (Deuteronomy 1:7), so God commands us to move on, to depart from where we are now and to go to the vision that God has placed in our lives.
Not only that, but God also commanded Moses to enter and occupy the promised land (Deuteronomy 1:8). Thus, God commands us to enter and occupy (take authority) because God has placed the vision in our hands.
4. Shared leadership team
During the journey of the Israelites, Moses understood that he was alone and unable to bear such a great responsibility (Deuteronomy 1:12). Because such many people needed to be led, Moses saw that he needed other people who could help him leading the people of Israel.
In facing various challenges in life, we often feel that the responsibility God has entrusted to us is so big, and that the challenges we must be facing are also so many.
But let us not worry and be afraid, for God will never leave us alone. He has provided us with people who can help us and conversely God has chosen us to help these people.
This of course happens through the community we are in now and through the “One on One” process that God has entrusted us all along. These people will be the “winning team” in our lives. But there are times when we would rather walk alone than together.
While God has already prepared a team for us. Remember, God essentially created us to live in community, so that we can achieve everything only in community.
One sentence expresses this well:
“If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to walk far, walk together.”
The question for us is: what kind of people can walk with us to reach the 'promised land'? God's Word in Deuteronomy 1 gives us some guidelines.
In verse 13 we can find three things: wisdom, understanding and experience.
It is wise to talk about that person's character.
It is wise to talk about the competencies you have
Experience speaks of how the person has gone through the processes of time in his life.
Let's look around and find the people God has sent to move on and 'finish well' with us.
May God's Word in Deuteronomy 1:11 come true for us by living the above principles:
“May the Lord God of your fathers make you a thousand times more numerous than you are and bless you as He has promised you!”