Acts 3:21, Colossians1:28; Ephesians 4:15

At the beginning of conversion, the believer experiences rapid growth in the knowledge of God. But as time passes, the growth is often hindered. That is why everyone must experience RESTORATION in his/her life.



A.      God wants us to grow to our maximum which is characterised by the fruits of ministry that are visible.

However, the reality is not as it should be. The question is, why is that?

1.      There are contradictions in the lives of believers.

This means that their lives are not commensurate with their calling (not in accordance with the truth).

The Lord Jesus commanded believers to live in accordance with the gospel/ calling (Philippians 1:27).

-          Many people live without purpose (without vision). They are not God-centred, and they are still bound by certain sins, making it difficult for them to apply what they believe.

-          If we have a clear vision, then we must be faithful to carry out that vision, so that we experience victory. God has given us a vision in FMC. We must be planted and faithful in FMC so that we are blessed abundantly (Psalm 92:12-15). Do not be of divided heart, but make up your mind to fear the Lord (Psalm 86:11).

2.      Not functioning as we should.

Many Christians experience role dysfunction, because outside of God people will fail to perform the role of a man/husband/father or woman/wife/mother, and fail to be a leader/role model (John 15:5).

3.      Having a life that is not maximised.

Experiencing obstacles and stagnation in spiritual life, among others: Worshipping and being spiritually disciplined but not enjoying God's love. Believing and worshipping God but being bound by the power of darkness. Fellowship but have broken relationships. Seeming spiritually mature but emotionally unhealthy. Serving but without joy.

4.      Has a past that affects growth.

Patterns of sin committed by the family. Sins committed by parents, struggling with certain feelings (hurt, bitterness, etc.), bad events that haunt (Lamentations 5:7).


Consider Luke 15:11-22.

·       There is an awareness of sin and weakness (Romans 3:23).

·       Our desire to grow (Philippians 4:6).

·       Obedience in all things (1 John 5:3; 1 John 3:22).

·       Humility (Psalm 138:6; James 4:6).

·       Honest openness. We need to learn to be open before God and man (Jeremiah 17:9-10).

·       Earnest repentance (1 John 1:9; Ephesians 4:22-24).



The RESULTS of every RESTORATION are: God-centred living, enjoying God in daily experiences, understanding the obstacles to help oneself and others.