Dream From God (3)



In celebrating the day of the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit, we know that the Holy Spirit is very important in the lives of believers. We cannot live the Christian life without His help (Romans 8:14, Deuteronomy 1:33).


  1. God has indeed sent the Holy Spirit to be our Helper, to direct our lives. But what is often misunderstood, is the leadership of the Holy Spirit, which is expected to be a mystical experience, such as when the Holy Spirit in the form of a pillar of fire and a pillar of cloud led the Israelites in the wilderness to the Promised Land. Another misconception is that people led by the Holy Spirit are seen as super spiritual. But if we were perfect, we would not need the Holy Spirit.

    The moment we believe in Jesus, we receive forgiveness, and the Holy Spirit guides us to be holy and pleasing to God. He enlightens our minds from darkness so that we are enabled to submit and obey God's laws.

    He will protect us when we fall into sin, as the Word says, “Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh” (Galatians 5:16). We must understand that the attraction of the flesh is strong and to overcome it we need more strength. The Spirit of God is that power and as we are led by the Spirit, He will help us overcome the desires of our flesh.

  2. As we are led by the Holy Spirit, we will know what steps to take. There are so many choices and decisions that we have to make every day. The Holy Spirit is actively involved in every aspect of our lives, if we are willing to listen. The Holy Spirit will help us make better choices and guide us on the path God wants us to walk.

  3. But how do we know that it is the Spirit who guides us and not just our own impulses? One of the best tests is to see if it is in accordance with God's word, because the Holy Spirit will always work within the boundaries of God's word.

    • He will never lead us to do anything that is in contrary to what is written in the Word.

    • He will never lead us to do anything that will not glorify and honor the name of Jesus. If the actions or decisions we are considering, are bringing dishonor to the name of Jesus, we are not being led by the Spirit.

  4. To live a life guided by the Holy Spirit, we must be rooted in prayer, God's word, and connected in fellowship with other believers. When these things are present in our lives, we are in the best position to be led by the Holy Spirit and we will know that God is leading us in every step of our lives.


Receive the Holy Spirit and be filled with Him continuously, so we will be able to walk steadily in God's dreams (John 7:37-39)