Dream From God (4)


There are many reasons to be afraid of dreaming, the biggest reason is because we look at our weaknesses, limitations, or environment.


We will learn from the life of Abraham (Genesis 15:5).

Take note of the answer of the Lord: “Look now toward heaven…”. This expression led Abram to turn his eyes not to his weakness but to the greatness of God who created the heavens and the earth, He was certainly able to fulfil the "dream" that He had given to Abram. This is also the principle in our lives, how we can find and live what God has planned in our lives.

  1. Start your dream from God, not from ourselves.

    If we start with God, God's dream will emerge, but if we start with ourselves, thoughts of our weaknesses and inability will emerge, keeping us from seeing the great things. Begin with prayer, believe that each of us who seek will find it.

  2. Make a decision and get the best out of your life.

    The above verse begins with an incident “The LORD brought Abram out”. At that time Abram was in his tent, which was a box that prevented him from seeing the beautiful stars in the sky.

    Don't limit your dreams with the tent box of your limitations, fears, circumstances, and weaknesses, get out of there and see the great works of God. Look at the power of God that is able to overcome all the failures and weaknesses in us.

    Dreams are not only achieved for the future but must be worked on from now on.

  3. Don't be allergic to failure.

    Remember that failure is not an obstacle that brings us down but use failure as a stepping-stone to learn from failure and become better.

    Stay enthusiastic about wanting to move forward every day, even if it is just one step, but do it every day.

    The Lord is the one who puts dreams in our lives, so keep doing our part and He will complete His part.


Remember that dreams from God are for the purpose of glorifying God, and the key is to "FEAR THE LORD" (Psalm 25:12).