We will continue with our theme: “7 ENEMIES OBSTRUCTING THE JOURNEY TO THE PROMISED LAND” (Deuteronomy 7:1-3). Furthermore, there were three tribes who formed the enemies/ obstacles for the Israelites to enter the Promised Land.



  1. The third tribe: “The Amorites”

    In Greek, Amorite means arrogance or pride.

    • Pride makes us independent of the Lord (2 Chronicles 32:24-26).

      Hezekiah almost died because of a serious illness, but he realized his mistake and repented. Finally, the LORD gave him a miraculous sign.

      But after he recovered, he was not grateful, on the contrary, he became proud. Because of this, the wrath of the LORD struck Judah and Jerusalem.

      How many Christians today are like King Hezekiah, who the LORD had given recovery, but were not grateful to Him?

    • When Hezekiah was facing problems, it brought him to his senses (2 Chronicles 32:26).

      Sometimes problems are good because they will lead us to an encounter with God (Job 22:29).

  2. The fourth tribe: 'Canaanites'

    Canaan, means humiliated, belittled or degraded.

    Cautiously read the story in 1 Samuel 1:1-28.

    So do not be influenced by words that humiliate, ridicule and insult us. But keep your ears tuned and live like Hannah who honoured her husband and God. So she received the result (1 Samuel 1:19-20).

  3. The fifth tribe: 'Perizzites'

    Periz in Greek means separation or breaking up.

    To enter the Promised Land or the land of Canaan, you must work together.

    • We must ignore self-interest.

    • We must work together as one body of Christ.

    • We cannot throw away the body of Christ for the sake of our “ego”, we must help, support and pray for each other (1 Corinthians 16:11).

    Let the Lord work in our lives, and He will clear all paths.



Have the spirits of pride, contempt and division entered to disrupt our Christian faith? Act now by casting them out (Numbers 33:55), and just like Lazarus who, after he was resurrected, had to be released from the cloths that bound him (John 11:44).