Recognize God's ability (Genesis 18:14).

The more we recognize God's ability, the more we can trust Him.



1. We have a great God who sustains us (Hosea 6:3).

Psalm 60:12 is the summary of King David's testimony of his victories in battle (read his story in 2 Samuel 8:1-14), when David was able to defeat the Philistines, Moabites, Arameans-Mesopotamians, Arameans-Zoba and several other kings who had allied themselves against David.

  • In terms of the strength of the troops, David's strength was much smaller, so David was not expected to win, but it turned out that with the strength of God that he possessed, David was able to defeat the greater strength of the enemy. The challenges, battles, problems, and crushes that David had experienced were so great, but David could testify that he was able to win the battle, because there was a great hand of God with him.

  • Through this key verse, David confirmed to us that the God who is with us is a God who is far greater than those in this world. God's greatness has never diminished one bit in our lives, even from the beginning until eternity. If David was able to walk through great things with God, he was not daunted by troubles and did not lose heart when facing tough situations, so we should be able to walk through great things because there is great power of God in us. 

  • The God who worked in David is the same God who never changes and who also works in us.

  • Have faith that we have a great God. He will enable each of us who are weak, who have shortcomings and inabilities, even those who are hindered by sin, to step out in mighty deeds. Let's raise our faith that if David could do it, we can also do it.

  • David gave us the understanding that nothing can approach or match the greatness of God (2 Samuel 7:22). There is no strength, ability, kingdom and power that can match the greatness of God. Therefore, we should be able to walk in victory because God is with us. Have faith, that if God is with us then no force is capable enough to defeat us.

  • As believers, we are held tightly by the Father's hand, and no force can snatch us from the Father's hand. Therefore, we should move on to greater things (John 10:29).

  • It is a loss if we as God's children do not experience mighty deeds with God.  Let's learn from the story of David, that even though his strength was not reckoned by his opponent, he was able to be victorious, just like when he defeated Goliath.

2. Keep your eyes on the LORD.

  • When we start to focus on our problems, we will start to see God less than our problems. On the contrary, when we start to focus on God, we will start to see that our problems are smaller than God (Mark 10:27).


Our confidence in God depends on how well we know Him.

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