“For with God nothing will be impossible.” (Luke 1:37).

How did the miracle of the birth of the Lord Jesus happen? The answer is because MARY BELIEVED (Luke 1:38).



We must pay attention to 4 things, which are:

1.      Believe that the LORD can perform miracles.

God spoke and everything happened (Genesis 1:1-3).

  • Don't be like Zechariah the priest, who had to become mute before he could see the miracle happen (Luke 1:10-24).

  • Moreover, don't be like the king's officer, who didn't believe so he didn't experience miracles (2 Kings 7:1-3).

2.      Act even when it makes no sense/is unreachable to our minds.

When God spoke through the angel Gabriel to her, Mary believed and acted even though she didn't understand and it didn't make sense. What did she do? She told her fiancé, Joseph (Matthew 1:18-25).

3.      There is a price to pay for miracles to happen.

Mary already knew that there would be two reactions from Joseph. One was that Joseph would believe, the other was that Joseph would not believe. But when he was considering divorcing Mary, as he slept at night, the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream (Matthew 1:19-24). Joseph believed him (Matthew 1:24-25).

4.      Pride keeps miracles from happening (Mark 6:1-6).



Have faith, and cast away all doubts.

Full gospel mission church