Isaiah 64:1-3. The nation of Israel was in a sad state of fear. But the prophet Isaiah prayed that God would restore them. He reminded God of what God had done for them in the past and asked God to do it again.
From Isaiah 64:3 we can see three things:
1. God's presence is our only hope.
Isaiah prayed and asked God to look down (Isaiah 63:15), and asked God to rend the heavens and come down from Heaven to help His people (Isaiah 64:1).
Let us pray with all our hearts, as Isaiah prayed for God to come down and be present among us.
In the Old Testament, the condition for God's people to be blessed was that they must have God's presence.
A good example is Isaac. While he was in the land of the Philistines he was able to overcome racial discrimination and persecution, because God's presence manifested over his life. Even the king of the Philistines said to him, “We have certainly seen that the LORD is with you..” (Genesis 26:28).
It is important to have the presence of God in order to have a life-changing revival.
2. God's presence creates surprises.
‘When You did awesome things for which we did not look, You came down, the mountains shook at Your presence.” (Isaiah 64:3).
When God comes down, He will do surprising things that no one can imagine! He can save even the most stubborn person and bring rebels to the feet of Jesus (Acts 4:24,31; Acts 9:1-22). Pray to God to do this so that revival happens.
3. God's presence overcomes all major problems and obstacles.
“...That the mountains might shake at Your presence...” (Isaiah 64:1) “...When You did awesome things for which we did not look,…” (Isaiah 64:3).
When God came down among the Israelites, powerful enemies like mighty mountains were conquered, and the mountains were shaken by the presence of God.
When the Holy Spirit comes down in revival, hardened hearts melt before the presence of God!
Dr. Lloyd-Jones gave the definition of revival as the outpouring of God's Spirit or the Spirit that comes upon His people.
Can we have a revival in our church? Yes, but we must really want it and pray like Isaiah prayed (Isaiah 64:1).